Fitness, Supplement News

Anxiety: The Sleep Killer

Are you an anxious person? Most people would dismissively respond no to that question, so let’s pose a new one; do you fixate on problems or imperfections? Do find yourself thinking about tomorrow’s chores or work problems today? Do you find yourself obsessing over the day’s complications well after the fact? If you answered yes to any of these, then you are an anxious person (don’t be mad at us we are just trying to help).

Anxiety is defined as “a mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one’s daily activities.” Ignoring how judgey that sounds, it also sounds a lot like a normal day. Stress comes from all angles and different people have different ways to deal with it (we gave some advice here), but to say that you never let it get in the way of your “daily activities” would be a lie. You never skipped a gym session because you were too stressed out (we hope not), you were never not fully present during a conversation because your mind was focusing on another issue? I am sure it was; this is anxiety. But the problem with anxiety is not during the day, it is at night.

Alarm clock on night table showing 3 a.m.

Anxiety is one of the leading causes of sleep issues in this country (read more about it here), and the worst part is that most people are unaware of it. Chances are you answered no to that first question at the beginning of this article, and chances are that you have had a sleepless night or two. The two are absolutely related. When the buzz of the day fades and you are left inside of your own head in the darkness of night, your mind can take you to the concerns that may have blocked out. If you find that this is what happens, you are trying to get to sleep but your thoughts keep fixating on certain issues, then you are dealing with anxiety.

The good part in all of this is that there are ways to deal with this. It is difficult to clear your mind, but with practice you can do it, this is what mediation is for. There are ways to remove stimulation close to bed time so that your mind can naturally wind down and your circadian rhythms can take over. There are also breathing and focusing techniques that you can undertake to deal with your racing mind when you are trapped in the moment. There are even prescription medications that you can speak to your doctor about, but before you go there, we recommend trying something else.

Canna-Eaze™ 15 is our latest product and is designed to help you de-stress. It is not a wonder drug, and we are not going to try to sell you on all the ailments that hemp extracts can cure like so many others have tried, but we formulated it to deal with the anxiety and stress issues that come from everyday life. We feel that it is particularly helpful if you are finding that your anxiety is interfering with your preferred routine. If anything in this article sounded familiar, it is worth giving Canna-Eaze™ 15 a try.

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